Disaster Recovery FAQs

Kleinschmidt systems are designed with fault tolerance in mind. Kleinschmidt utilizes two production processing sites located ten miles apart. Both locations feature diesel generators and multiple UPS units supplying A/B power with banks of batteries for backup. Computer rooms have multiple air conditioning units linked together via software and running far below capacity, such that failure of any unit does not affect operations. Each site uses two different Internet Service Providers (ISPs), four different companies total, with each using BGP to ensure connectivity in the event of any one ISP failure. Diverse private gigabit connections through three different providers allow our two sites to be connected at all times. HP Nonstop core processing systems use multiple independent identical processors as well as redundant storage devices and controllers to ensure automatic failover in case of hardware or software failure. Webservers, formatter PCs, databases, and other processing servers are designed as pooled systems across our two production sites. Segregated subnets and separation of internet and private networks provide greater protections to individual applications.

Planning these features into both of our production sites has enabled Kleinschmidt to have systems ready in the event of a disaster at either location. Each site is running at about 30% capacity and is designed to handle all processing independently, should the need arise.

Kleinschmidt also operates an Azure-based cloud licensed environment that is secured by Microsoft Azure’s disaster recovery plan.

Unlike many other providers, Kleinschmidt owns, staffs and operates our own data centers. Protected by secure access protocols, our secure data center facilities are monitored 24/7/365 by the Kleinschmidt data center operations team. Our staff possesses nearly 100 combined years of experience with the ultra-reliable, fault tolerant Tandem and HP NonStop systems that power customer processing.

Yes. Our two operational sites are connected via three diverse fiber optic communication links, providing redundancy in the event of a fault on one of the links. Each site is serviced by multiple ISPs to ensure connectivity in the case of fiber infrastructure failure or outage.

Testing Kleinschmidt’s disaster recovery preparedness occurs daily. Both of our data center sites are operational production sites. If a disaster should occur at one site, data can continue to be exchanged at the other.

Kleinschmidt allows you and your trading partners to test disaster recovery processing at any time. You do not need to contact us prior to testing.

Since both of our sites are operational, you and your trading partners can pass production data via either site, at anytime. We encourage our customers to do that so everyone knows what to do in the event they’re unable to communicate with one of the sites.

Both locations are always in production so there is no delay.

There are no additional fees for using either or both our sites.