FreightLaunch FAQs

Image Request FAQs

For carriers or brokers using FreightLaunch, there will be a new section on the main load screen for each load called “Image Request,” where you will:

  • Enter the driver’s name and cell phone number into FreightLaunch, or retrieve their details from a stored directory of drivers you’ve used before.
    • A request text will be sent to the driver that is unique to the specific load, and contains a link that the driver can click to upload photo backup of documents.
  • Utilize our convenient maintenance tool within FreightLaunch if you need to update driver details as needed.
  • Access photos submitted by drivers seamlessly within FreightLaunch. You can view them instantly or download them into your backup files for specific shipments.
  • Rest assured, all photos will be securely stored online for 90 days, providing you with easy access whenever necessary.
  • Expedite your billing process significantly as your billing personnel can now access documents instantly, enabling them to create shipper invoices sooner.

Drivers will not need to download any app or software to interact with FreightLaunch requests for POD and other delivery documentation. They will:

  • Receive a text message containing a unique link specific to each load, that requests document photos.
  • Click on the link provided in the text message and upload the required photo(s). They have the option to add a note for each picture, ensuring clear communication.

The link will remain active for 30 days, after which it will expire, ensuring timely submission.

Kleinschmidt takes security and privacy very seriously. We will never share the drivers’ name or number with anyone—only the FreightLaunch user company’s authorized users have access to this information. As for the photos themselves, the driver will be able to view the photos that they have uploaded, to allow them to verify that the right photos were submitted; the FreightLaunch user company’s authorized users will be able to access the photos for 90 days following upload. No one else will have access to these photos. 

The FreightLaunch environment and the information that is related to your company and the loads managed in FreightLaunch is secured and protected by Kleinschmidt, which maintains current SOC 1 and SOC 2, Type 2 Compliance certification. This capability of document sharing between driver and carrier requires no additional action to safeguard the information. 

While this new functionality is very intuitive, we do have a brief explainer video. Watch it now.

Other Common FAQs

There are a variety of documents/messages that FreightLaunch can process on your behalf. While shippers have various requirements, most often this includes a Load Tender (204), Acknowledgement (990), Status (214) and Invoice (210). When a given load has had no document/message activity for 120 days, FreightLaunch will determine that load inactive and it will drop from view on your dashboard.

FreightLaunch customer support can be accessed by email at or by calling 847-945-1000, which are both monitored 24x7x365. 

We are happy to hear from customers about how any features in FreightLaunch are working for them, or could be improved. You can provide feedback by email to or by calling 847-945-1000.