Supported Communications Protocols

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APIApplication Programming Interface defines how two applications interact with each other. API utilizes HTTPS communications and various authentication types such as Basic Authentication, OAUTH 1 or OAUTH 2, and bearer token/x-api-key.
RESTful APIREST stands for Representational State Transfer, which provides a great deal of flexibility when using an API to communicate between different computer systems. This flexibility allows handling multiple types of calls, returning different data formats, and even allowing for structural changes to the data.
AS2Applicability Statement 2 is a widely used communications protocol used for the secure and reliable transferring of data over the Internet. Data is encrypted via security certificates and transmitted using HTTP or HTTPS communications. Transmissions are acknowledged via an MDN which provides confirmation of a successful or a non-successful transfer.
ebXMLebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language), is a standard for exchanging business messages that was developed in 1999 as an initiative of the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and the United Nations/ECE agency CEFACT.
FTPFTP – File Transfer Protocol is an internet based communications method run over TCPP/IP. FTP remains one of the most widely-used B2B protocols today, due to its ease of use.
FTPSAn extension of the FTP method, FTPS secures data transfer through TLS and SSL protocols with mandatory encryption certificates.
IBM MQAlso known as Websphere MQ and MQSeries, is a proprietary messaging solution for enterprise platforms. It enables reliable communication of data across a nearly universal variety of platforms and applications via message channels.
OFTPOdette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) was created by the Odette Organization to enable the exchange of EDI data between two business entities, typically European organizations.
OFTP2OFTP2 is the updated ODETTE standard for secure exchange of business data via the Internet. Supporting point-to-point data exchange or exchange through a network such as Kleinschmidt, it is utilized by the global automotive industry to exchange the crucial data required for modern Just-In-Time manufacturing.
RosettaNetThe RosettaNet consortium is managed as part of GS1, and is the standards format developed by a consortium of major computer and consumer electronics, electronic components and semiconductor manufacturers to share business information. The RosettaNet Automated Enablement Standard (RAE) uses the office open XML document standard.
SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol is similar to FTP but uses an SSH layer as added security in the transferring of data between systems.
SOAP Web ServicesSimple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based protocol for accessing web services. It is platform and language independent, and has its own security, known as WS Security. It has not been widely adopted and can be a little slower than other protocols due to bandwidth and resource consumption.
SNASystems Network Architecture (SNA) was established by IBM to define conventions for data communications across IBM hardware and software, driven by a need for IBM mainframe computers needing to share data with peripheral systems. Extended to use IP (SNA/IP) for connections to applications in remote locations, such as a branch or store.
WebhooksWebhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks that are triggered by a call to communications partner, and usually includes information like a shared secret or digital signature before passing data.