Reliable B2B Data Messaging for Container Movement by Rail or by Sea

From car location to eManifest and intermodal connections, Kleinschmidt helps keep the global supply chain moving.

Freight worker with tablet

Rail and Ocean Data Messaging is in Kleinschmidt’s DNA

From the time that the data evolution began changing rail operations over 40 years ago, Kleinschmidt was there—and has continued to innovate and serve.  It began facilitating industry data messaging for  car location messages (CLM) and soon extend from ship to intermodal, to rail and final destination.

Kleinschmidt can provide:

Port and Terminal Management Software Continues to Evolve

As seaport and rail logistics management software changes, there’s no one better positioned to establish and manage rock-solid data connections. Kleinschmidt has proven this through continued innovation, developing elegant solutions between partners who use different data standards and transfer protocols. We can help connect legacy systems to web-based automation systems today, and support the data evolution for years to come.

Image of highway next to a large dock
Truck arriving at a customs checkpoint

Customs & Trade Compliance

Kleinschmidt provides electronic customs and trade compliant eManifest data to the United States and Canadian ACI environments.

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