Kleinschmidt CEO moderates panel at SMC3 Jump Start 2023

Author: Patty Brehm

Jump Start 2023 is a three-day supply chain event produced annually by SMC³ that provides the ideal environment for qualitative, valuable networking and industry education. Carriers, shippers, logistics service providers and technology providers consis­tently attend the winter’s definitive supply chain intel­li­gence gathering for its unrivaled networking oppor­tu­ni­ties, top-tier presenters and timely content to kick off the new year.

Kleinschmidt CEO, Dan Heinen, will lead a roundtable discussion focused on demys­ti­fying APIs.

We hear a lot about APIs being a simpler and more agile way to transmit business data back and forth between partner companies. In this session, our panel of experts will discuss how this movement is affecting the trans­porta­tion industry, benefits, and challenges of changing vital business operation data formats, and some key consid­er­a­tions that should be top-of-mind for both management and the technology staff that supports the business.

Participants will be able to answer the following questions:

      • How soon you should consider integration when choosing a vendor?

      • What’s the importance of backward compatibility/flexibility?

      • What questions you should ask about security, ongoing support when APIs change?

      • When should you time your migration to a new solution?

      • What challenges that you should plan for as you add more API integrations?